Our very first product showcase for community entrepreneurs in Magaliesburg had our team scurrying for (plenty of) extra chairs when more than double the number of RSVPs registered to participate on the morning of the event!
A whopping total of 54 entrepreneurs from GaMohale and surrounds shared their business dreams, plans, challenges and opportunities with a panel of interviewees who completed questionnaires that will help us assess the kind and level of support required by these businesses.
We are immensely grateful towards the Magalies Business and Tourism Forum – MBTF, Nedbank as well as members from the Gauteng Provincial Department of Tourism for assisting in the interviewing process. We value your time and input!
The product showcase is step one in the Building Business programme that supports entrepreneurial and enterprise development.
The entrepreneurship and enterprise development leg of our Building Business programme includes, to mention a few examples:
Identifying and supporting community entrepreneurs and enterprises
Creating access to market opportunities
Establishing business forums (for example, the Magalies Business and Tourism Forum)
Facilitating access to training and mentorship
Facilitating access to local supply chains
Providing starter packs for emerging businesses that include e.g. web design, marketing material, personal branding and product photography.
Magaliesburg is one of the towns that is part of Nedbank’s Proud of my Town initiative.