When multiple role players gather around a common agenda, we can achieve so much more.
Harnessing collective strength to achieve collective impact is one of the key objectives of the Stellenbosch Civil Advocacy Network (SCAN).
The network recently held a session for NPOs, municipal representatives, academia and members of civil society from Stellenbosch and surrounds to discuss exactly this: How can one join forces to advocate for challenges in our respective fields?
Whether it be health, disability, unemployment, social welfare, food security or one of a myriad other socio-economic challenges facing our society, these challenges can be addressed more effectively when roleplayers unite in their advocacy efforts.
Forty members of SCAN and other organisations discussed issues around housing, Early Childhood Development facilities, education, unemployment and health facilities. Task teams were formed for each of these challenges that will now collaborate for collective solutions through advocacy.
Ranyaka’s Marli Goussard is the chairperson of SCAN.