For Lillies Day Care Centre in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch, the year kicks off with a fresh coat of paint. But not just any paint.

This special fire-retardant (intumescent) paint will delay the rate at which flames spread, should a fire break out at the wooden structure that houses her crèche. Even a few extra minutes will make a huge difference in allowing precious young lives to evacuate the class.

The crèche will soon receive a bright top coat which is UV resistant. Residents from Stellenbosch and surrounds who would like to volunteer time to help paint this (and many other) crèches, are invited to contact us!

Lillies Day Care Centre in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch is one of 20 Early Childhood Development Centres that is benefiting from Nedbank’s Proud of my Town programme for which Ranyaka is the implementing agent. Safety is a priority item for the programme. The ECD centres also receive fire extinguishers, first aid kits and emergency signage.

Ranyaka works alongside intumescent paint specialists, the Khusela Ikhaya Project, to safeguard our crèches. Thank you, Ashley and team!

For more information or to sign up as a volunteer to help us make our crèches a safer place, please contact Sonya at