“When life gives you the scorching heat of the sun, be hopeful for the rain too”- Anonymous

Mankweng is found in the Capricorn District and Polokwane Local Municipality, within the Limpopo Province. From the scorching sun to beautiful sunsets, Mankweng is undeniably home of the aspiring community champions who believe in the power of collaboration and preserving their rich culture. Whilst challenges such as employment and the lack of viable economic activities threaten to dislodge the potential of this town, songs of hope echo the streets of Mankweng with the sanguinity that tomorrow will come bearing prospects for a better future.  

Co-creating safer communities

Co-creating safer communities

A small group of unarmed women patrol the streets of a neighbourhood where the sound of gunshots rings out at night. A team gathers in the make-shift corrugated iron structure that is home to the ‘boardroom’ where they plan both safety and sports activities for their...

Truly proud of Mankweng

Truly proud of Mankweng

Three years ago, our team embarked on a journey with the community of Mankweng, Polokwane. To envision a brighter future and together, work to implement practical projects that would improve the quality of life of Mankweng’s residents.Earlier this month (April 2022),...

Spreading our wings in Polokwane

Spreading our wings in Polokwane

Transforming communities is not a solo expedition. It takes a team, a shared vision and a willingness to collaborate. In Polokwane, we are excited about the buy-in from community members and local stakeholders – the real drivers of change on the ground.Earlier this...

Come rain or shine, soccer wins the day!

Come rain or shine, soccer wins the day!

This past December saw 16 football clubs and four netball teams participate in the four-day 2021 Sammy Seabi Football tournament in Polokwane. Even scorching heat, rain and wind could not deter the passionate players and a cheering crowd of over 1,000 spectators....

Join online – build on the ground

Join online – build on the ground

Introducing the Proud of our Towns Facebook Groups “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success.”The world of social media did not yet exist when Henry Ford spoke these wise words. But many decades later, they still...

When life hands you dirt, plant seeds

When life hands you dirt, plant seeds

A community's quest to achieving sustainable development through regenerative agriculture. "Achieving food security is a major priority in our village and through initiatives such as the greenhouse project, we are well on our way to achieving that goal." These are the...