We’re incredibly proud of our ten entrepreneurs who successfully completed the Ranyaka Enterprise Development Academy last week!

The five-day, intensive training programme was presented in partnership with the Stellenbosch Municipality, facilitated by entrepreneurship specialists, Labit, and generously sponsored by the Distell Group.

Ranyaka identified this group of entrepreneurs at a product showcase held in December last year with the purpose of identifying local business owners in need of support and determining the level of support required.

Last week’s academy was not a once-off event, but forms part of a broader business development process to grow the local economy in Stellenbosch. The end goal is to ensure better access to market and the inclusion of these and other Stellenbosch-based entrepreneurs in local supply chains.

Looking to the future, Ranyaka will be joining forces with local enterprise development partners, including Stellenbosch University, the Stellenbosch Municipality, SEDA and others to provide ongoing support to the group for the remainder of the year.

For more information on Ranyaka’s work in the field of enterprise development or to participate in future product showcases and workshops, please contact Marli Goussard, marli@ranyaka.co.za or 084 212 2000. For more information about entrepreneurship specialists, Labit, please visit their website at www.labit.co.za.