It’s a big wide world out there

It’s a big wide world out there

From literacy projects to art therapy; feeding schemes to disaster relief; senior citizens outreach to skills development; counselling services to child welfare and many, many more, Stellenbosch is home to an impressive network of NGOs - all hard at work to make the...

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Save the date | Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2018

Save the date | Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2018

Diarise the dates! From 24 to 26 August, the town of Magaliesburg will be hosting the third Magalies Rocks The Cradle Festival. This one-of-a-kind event showcases the best Magalies has to offer - and the events, which take place at numerous venues in and around...

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Changing lives – one classroom at a time

Changing lives – one classroom at a time

This morning, we visited Klapmuts Junior Academy to see how the children are settling into their brand-new classroom-in-a-container, donated by Nedbank as part of its Proud of My Town programme in Paarl. The excitement and energy levels were sky high - as high as...

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NGO collaboration in Stellenbosch

NGO collaboration in Stellenbosch

Transforming a community is a team effort - and sustainable, effective transformation that truly has a significant impact on the beneficiaries requires a team effort by all involved. Friday's workshop with representatives from a number of Stellenbosch-based NGOs who...

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Magalies make-over

Magalies make-over

The Magalies Make-Over of 2014 provided a visible, tangible opportunity for Magalies stakeholders, businesses and residents from all walks of life to tackle a project together in a very practical way. The timing was critical. The town had recently suffered the...

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