Proud of my Town is spreading its wings! Today, we held the launch workshop in Boitekong, Rustenburg in the North-West Province.
Community members and stakeholders shared their insights on the challenges, opportunities and resources in their area. This workshop is the first step in a process to work hand-in-hand with the community of Boitekong and relevant role players to co-create a transformational strategy for the area. Thank you to each one of you who took the time to join us today!
We don’t reinvent the wheel. Wherever possible, we work with programmes, organisations and initiatives that are already in place – and time and again, we discover that every town, neighbourhood and community already have their own local heroes – right there, in their midst. Today we had the privilege of already capturing a glimpse of the energy and strength within Boitekong.
If you live in Boitekong or are involved in an NGO, NPO, business, faith-based institution, school, training facility or community forum that works within the area, please contact us if you would be interested in attending the follow-up meeting and becoming part of the Proud of my Town movement!
In the meanwhile, browse through our website to get a picture of who we are, what we’re about and what we do – together with you, the change agents who ultimately lead the charge in the transformation, growth and development of your town.
Proud of my Town is a national initiative of Nedbank, focusing on the sustainable transformation of towns and neighbourhoods. The Ranyaka model drives Proud of my Town – and we are also the implementing agents for the programme.